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Submitted by Comments:
Name: Michael
From: Texas irving
E-mail: Contact
I am crazy about go I want too meet I've only played meh parents -.- I'm 13 is I allowed? And if I am where is it thx u

Admin reply: We welcome players of all levels! We meet every Thursday 6:30 - 10:00 PM at the Central Market at Coit and 190. Hope to see you there.
Added: October 5, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Kevin
From: Arlington
E-mail: Contact
wow this sure looks like fun, ill have to try it! All i know about go ive learned from the manga comic. HakiruNoGo
Added: September 22, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Bryan
From: Arlington, TX
E-mail: Contact
Thanks for letting me play with you guys tonight. It was a blast. I will have to do this again.
Added: August 25, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Maul
E-mail: Contact
Very nice!!!!
Added: July 10, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Samuel Perez
From: Rockwall, TX
E-mail: Contact
Hey, sorry to use the guestbook, but I don't have anyone's contact info.
I came a couple of weeks ago and was told we weren't sure if we would be meeting the next few weeks. Since it's a bit of a drive and I haven't heard anything, I wanted to see if it was still happening tonight or not.

Admin reply: Our club meeting will continue as usual except the first Thursday of August, which conincides with the US Go Congress. On that Thursday, you won't expect many players to come to the club since 5-7 members will be in the US Go Congress. But if you want to come that day, please bring your own board and stones, and better your own opponent
Added: July 7, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Grace (again!)
E-mail: Contact
Hey again I was wondering how old most of the players in your club are?

Admin reply: Welcome to our club! We have players at all ages. Please feel free to join us, everybody will be happy to teach/play.
Added: July 1, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Grace
From: Fort Worth
E-mail: Contact
Hey all

I'm from Fort Worth and I've been trying to find a place to play go! I'm interested in learning how to play better I mean I know the basics but I wanna learn more yeah, yeah I'm kinda young to be into it (I'm 13!) but I really wanna know more where do you meet?

Added: June 30, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Megan Hubl
E-mail: Contact
I know I was supposed to be coming to the club again and I wanted to but I ended up moving VERY suddenly. I want to thank everyone for all their help and teaching and also to let you know that although I am no longer in the area I will still be playing Go online and whenever I can find a partner to play against. The likelihood of being able to attend again is slight to say the least but if I am in the area during club I will at least stop by.

Thank you!

Megan Hubl

Admin reply: Thank you for letting us know. We'll miss you.
Added: June 3, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: Richard Ho
From: Plano
E-mail: Contact

Private post. Click to view.

Admin reply: We meet every Thursday 6:00 - 10:00PM at the Central Market (190 & Coit). Welcome and please feel free to join us.
Added: May 16, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Submitted by Comments:
Name: Eddie O
From: Dallas
E-mail: Contact
Where do you guys meet in Central Market?
I'm very interested in playing Go with people and would really like to know if where exactly you guys meet.


Admin reply: We meet at the foodcourt of Central Market located at Coit & 190.

Welcome to our meeting!

Added: April 25, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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