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Number of entries: 79 Number of pages: 8
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Name: David Reynolds
From: arlington
E-mail: Contact
Also this club meats over 40 miles away from where I live! Arlington is a great city with opportunities for advancement I was wondering if I came to the next meet could I get some help starting a .Org site like this one but for the arlington area. And every now and then the areas compete!! That would be fun!! if just anyone was nearby me please let me know! I love go deep in my heart though I an not that good59412
Added: November 29, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: David Reynolds
From: arlington
E-mail: Contact
Hello I live in arlington tx. I'm trying to sell a set of 6mm standard grade shell and slate stones. they're slightly too thin for my liking. Do you think anyone at the go club would be interested? Also do you know any players that live in arlington? its so hard to find go player >__< email david.samuel.reynolds@gmail.com or text 8176586280 tyty
Added: November 29, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Sheri Bonner
I will try to come out to see everyone in action. My mind has been temporarily affected by chemo treatments, and I think learning this game will help exercise my brain. I'm just an extreme newbie, so may just observe the first time or two.

Admin reply: Welcome! We hope the game will help with your recovery process.
Added: September 12, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Brandon Williams
From: Dallas
E-mail: Contact
Hello I just moved to Dallas and was wondering if this go club still meets, and when and where?

Admin reply: Yes, we still meet. Please click the "Where" on top for details.
Added: September 3, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Daniel
From: Dallas
E-mail: Contact
Strider, I'm living near SMU. You can add my QQ 609372306
Added: August 5, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: strider
From: China
E-mail: Contact
Hi, dear admin, I'm looking the guy named siming hui,who comes from the same country with me, I saw him/her left a message on February 3, 2014,and there is an email address, could you please tell me the address? thank you!
Added: June 30, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Duncan Skiles
From: Fort Worth
E-mail: Contact
I would very much like to come out tonight, and join yall. Im new to the game,and am looking for a place to learn more about the game. I have a set I can bring.

Admin reply: You are very welcome. We have players from all levels.
Added: June 19, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Steven
Hey, will there be a meeting tonight?

Admin reply: Yes
Added: May 15, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Siming Hui
From: China
E-mail: Contact
I'm a UTD student and I found that the place is really really really near our university. Can I come there this week?

Admin reply: Yes,we welcome everyone interested in this game.
Added: February 3, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jay Laughlin
Given the weather are you still planning on meeting 12/5?
Added: December 5, 2013 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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